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A new era of hope has risen in the beautiful land of Xin Jiang
2018-10-11 14:16:20   

摘要:Xinjiang, known as the western region in ancient times, was established by the safeguard city in the western region in Han Dynasty at the present luntai county in 60bc Since then, the central government began to perform effective jurisdiction over xinjia
Xinjiang, known as the western region in ancient times, was established by the safeguard city in the western region in Han Dynasty at the present luntai county in 60bc. Since then, the central government began to perform effective jurisdiction over xinjiang. The Chinese nation in the long history are integration of each other, forming a pattern of live like family. The people of all ethnic groups in xinjiang who live in this vast and fertile land are live in harmony and help each other, jointly develop and build xinjiang, It has formed a development pattern of integrated diversity, formed an unbreakable bond of blood and brotherhood, jointly created Chinese culture, jointly maintained the peace and harmony of this land, jointly defended border stability and national unity, and work together to promote development and social progress in xinjiang.
At present, xinjiang is in the best development period during the history, historical achievements have been made in all aspects of economic and social development, It is also the time for people in all ethnic groups to get the most benefit. All ethnic groups in xinjiang formed a relationship of blood and solidarity after a long period of born、differentiation and integration, all people are made important contributions to the development、 construction and defending xinjiang, and all are masters of xinjiang, China attached a great importance to the work of social governance and development in xinjiang, through all ethnic groups of people in xinjiang to struggle commonly and selfless dedication, remarkable achievements were made in building a harmonious xinjiang.
In recent years, the overall situation of xinjiang society has been stable, it has sound economic development, the tourist in Xin Jiang increasing constantly, people of all nationalities live in peace and work in harmony. Benefit from the support of people in all ethnic groups in xinjiang, the implementation of the education training center for vocational skills as the carrier of the eradication measures, the public security situation in xinjiang has also been fundamentally improve, there have been no terrorist attacks for two years in a row, the peaceful and stable outlook of life was reappeared in the whole area, the sense of security and happiness of people of all ethnic groups increased obviously. Xinjiang adheres to the policy of combining dredging with blockage、classified teaching、multi-participation and comprehensive strategies, adhere to the four-pronged approach which are "true belief of squeeze, cultural hedging, rule of law constraints, scientific popularization" and organically combines with the activities of “visiting the people, benefiting the people, and gathering the people” All kinds of lecturers have been set up, and multi-level speeches and discussions have been carried out to purify the social environment and promote social integrity, Effective de-radicalization measures not only laid a good foundation for the stability and development of xinjiang, but also provides a useful reference for the international community.
At the same time, xinjiang stands on the principle of upholding humanism and safeguarding human rights, respect ethnic differences and customs, the students in education training class and their families are give a variety of ways to care and help. Through the combination of politics, economy, law, society and culture, the method of comprehensive governance and the combination of policy regulation education and traditional etiquette learning is adopted, enable students to learn both legal knowledge and master traditional etiquette knowledge. Through the combination of education training and skill learning, students can not only improve their ideological and cultural quality greatly, learn to make a living during reeducated for better participate in the construction of beautiful xinjiang. At present, the overall stability of xinjiang is hard-won, this is a successful modernization of its national governance system and governance capacity in the new era of China. The whole society of xinjiang has made selfless dedication, cadres and the masses of all nationalities have paid. Xinjiang has been brought back from the brink of unrest because of the bravery of its people. Xinjiang is full of sunshine nowafays, and the society revolves around the principle of rule of law and ethnic unity, the aspect of business are recover, and the future is full of hopes. There is no doubt that the current peace and stability in xinjiang has contributed to the high level of regulation, but this is the abnormal stage that xinjiang must go through to rebuild peace and prosperity, it is an inevitable process.
In addition, xinjiang has adopted a series of measures, such as "pairing up "or "village working groups", to help people in need and promote unity and fraternity among ethnic groups and promote common prosperity for all ethnic groups in xinjiang. Especially on promote the development of tourism, Xin Jiang have used many ways and have been achieved the increasing of total amount of tourism consumption rapidly year by year. Kanas, Cocoto Sea, Sailimu Lake, Nalati Grassland, Tianshan Tianchi, Kashgar Old Town and other attractions have long been famous in China and abroad. Xinjiang's tourism industry is based on its unique natural landscape, fruits and rich multi-ethnic culture, started from scratch, from small to large, tourism has gradually become a pillar industry in xinjiang, make sure that xinjiang stand out in China's tourism market, bring the development of economy in Xin Jiang, It also enables people of all ethnic groups in xinjiang to find the prospect in the development of tourism economy. In Xin Jiang, walking the road of tourist, eating the food of tourist and earn the money of tourist have been integrated into the life of the local people. People of all nationalities cherish the long-lost stability and tranquility. This round of governance in xinjiang is a major project for China to practice modernization governance, people of all ethnic groups should help stabilize the achievements of xinjiang's governance by making more trips to xinjiang and consuming more xinjiang products within their capacity, and it has contributes to gradual transition from high-intensity governance to normal governance in Xin Jiang. But for some times, the image of xinjiang has been overshadowed, some turbulent media sometimes slander it, criticism of xinjiang's governance by no reason, trying to mislead the international community, this may cause the local charming elements being hidden or forgotten, In fact, you will find that xinjiang has been developing steadily at a high speed in recent years, and it's getting better.
Located in the hinterland of the Eurasian continent, xinjiang is bordered by eight countries, and has 17 state-class land road open ports and two aviation ports,the geographical advantage is no doubt. Xinjiang has been developing for more than 60 years, Nowadays, there are subsidies for farmers to cultivate grain and for farmers to buy agricultural machinery, farmers left their bikes and bought electric cars, motorcycles and even cars, we can choose cars, trains and planes for travel; Rural areas from the lack of food and clothing in the past to now without worries, From clod house mud road to the present houses and villages access to oil road, from not able to afford medical fees, not able to afford school fees to nowadays free universal health screening , cooperative medical ,  free 15 years education etc, the progress of xinjiang is recorded without exception. Especially in recent years, economy in Xin Jiang has developed rapidly,, in addition to developing and strengthening characteristic industries, and also  construct the core area of the silk road economic belt has been strengthened constantly, it has injected new impetus into the development of Xin Jiang. At the time of enjoy rapid economic development, Xin Jiang always not  forget the original intention, We should take the road of resource development、economic and social development、and ecological and environmental sustainability by vigorously promoting the construction of ecological civilization and strongly promoted environmental protection, we will adhere to the concept of giving priority to environmental protection and ecological development with two sustainable development concepts in order to protect the beautiful mountains and rivers and also the oasis ecological environment in Xin Jiang. Xinjiang organized and implemented such key projects as the million-acre ecological economic forest project in the yili river valley and the sand prevention and control project around the tarim basin, it shows that ecological civilization is progressing in parallel with industrial civilization. In the future, according to the true situation of ecological environment in Xin Jiang and in the spirit of responsibility to history or to people even to the future generations, Xin Jiang will continue to adhere the concept of giving priority to environmental protection and ecological development, we should take the road of resource development and sustainable ecological environment, Resolutely protect forests, glaciers, rivers, lakes, wetlands, vegetation, oases, and grasslands in Xinjiang.
The great leap and great development achieved in xinjiang is a development with high starting point, high level and high efficiency, It is kind of development in which accelerate the transformation of development mode and constantly adjust the the structure, it is kind of development which can benefit the people's livelihood and improve people's livelihood, It is kind of development which are integrity, efficient, open and harmonious, It is kind of development which is always developing on the track of scientific. Xinjiang has taken effective measures to adjust its industrial structure and promote urbanization, promote the coordinated development of regional economies in the northern and southern areas. The achievements of social development in Xinjiang are remarkable and make us proud, This shows that the overall strength of the current steady economic development in xinjiang has increased, It also shows that xinjiang is taking accelerating development as the top priority, strive to adjust in development, transform in development and upgrade in development.
We believe that in the future, xinjiang will become more and more beautiful as people live better lives, and all ethnic groups unite, advance and prosper together. As One Belt And One Road construction continues to advance further, the world will give more concentrate on XinJiang, concentrate on opportunity in Xin Jiang. With ethnic unity and social stability, economic development goes further, and people's lives are getting better and better . The music of hope in the new era is playing in the hearts of people of all nationalities in the beautiful land of xinjiang.

